Words from a man of wisdom,"if a person draws a circle to exclude you, you should draw a bigger circle to include everyone in". And we did just that - we drew a huge circle around ourselves to include members from 75 to 95 batches! What a great night.
When we were planning for the night, I was worried that we did not put in much attention on entertainment. I was dead wrong! The snippets from batch spokepersons provided 'close-to-our hearts' cozy promptus. Even my kids kept paraphrasing the 'Chico jokes' the day after. The 'no-choice', 'harta peninggalan', 'super salad/soup or salad', 'water/H2O', et all were further 'discussed' over my family breakfast at our favorite Warong Wak Ghani. Our own Hisham belting out a number from "lagu zaman abah' was admired by my kids and wondered whether he has recorded any album!

It seemd now that my kids are so inspired to further their study in Chico!
I was worried that we did not have nice glossy program book, and colorful wrapped prizes to give to winners of table games and all. But then again I was wrong. Bottled 'Mountain Dew' was Azman's (the organizing Chairman)idea was brilliant. (Please note that we did not endorse or promote any particular soft drink) Not only it trimmed out cost, but also bring back good memories of barbequing at Bidwell Park. My kids did asked, how did we consumed cold Mountain Dew in chilly winter? And how did you 'tayyamum' with snow?

I am glad that I brought my kids along, and I am pretty sure my non-Chico second-half (as I failed miserably in courting from 'no-choice' pool) will be there at 2011 annual Reunion Dinner.
Post Grand Reunion Dinner discussions on Facebook (as I tried to keep up with some of them), really inspired some of us to organize another "Big Grand Reunion Dinner 2011" and smaller get together pretty soon. And some ex-Chicoans already 'volunteered' to be the organizing committees. Lets keep the ball rolling. Talk about rolling the ball, I do need serious practice at bowling alley. My kid scored better than me and I was subjected to 'abah dah tua, tak larat baling bola' for a couple of days subsequently.

All the 'secret meetings' and 'begging' for sponsorship really worthwhile, seeing old friends and ex-Chicoans rekindled Chico memories, reignited Chico flame. External invited entertainer become less important, when we had pool of talented stand ups and gifted crooners.
Parapharasing a conversation between an American and British soldiers about jet fighter pilot from the Pearl Harbor,"there is nothing more dangerous than a heart of a volunteer". I am honored and privilaged to be part of the event. Thank you.
I had earlier written a response to Ghani's note on the Chico night but obviously after that lost it. Thus have to put on my "creative" cap (sound familiar Ghani?) that i cannot find - anyway, thanks Ghani for the lovely note above... I guess it was the impromptu-ness that made that night that, that it was - with a lot of endearment, reminiscence and filled with laughter - everyone "getting" the joke, the experiences that Ghani mentioned- Because sometime, somewhere or rather, we experienced them too there.
ReplyDeleteAs I looked at Zainal's beautiful pictures .I wished I had embraced Chico more when I was there.... Things I would have done....but then again I was only 18 or so at the time.
I should also mention that it was semangat kuat Azman to make that night happen, so thank you Azman...I only wish i had more time to get to know better those that came after '85 as we (Din and I) had already left then..Now, regardless of what year we came, we have that bond....what a wonderful reunion - Mariam Mustaffa